How to remove malware from wordpress website
Publish By : shivani / Date :10-01-2024 / Reading Time : 17 mint / Tags : How to remove malware from wordpress

How to Remove Malware from WordPress Website 

WordPress, a widely used website platform, is vulnerable to malware due to its popularity. If your WordPress site gets infected, it's vital to act fast to prevent harm. This guide will cover two ways to remove malware and safeguard your website. 

Firstly, manual removal involves backing up your site, identifying infected files, and then removing the malicious code. Update your WordPress core, themes, and plugins to patch vulnerabilities, and change all passwords for added security. 

Alternatively, automatic removal methods use security plugins like Word-fence or Succour. These tools scan, detect, and remove malware automatically, simplifying the process. For those unsure about tackling it alone, professional malware removal services are available. 

 I. Understanding WordPress Malware:  

WordPress malware is like a digital infection that can harm your website. Malicious software, known as malware, sneaks into your site and can lead to problems like stealing data, defacing your content, or even shutting down your entire site. Examples of WordPress malware include backdoors (hidden access points), drive-by downloads (unwanted downloads without user consent), and phishing scripts (tricks to steal sensitive information). 

Identifying malware is crucial before removing it. Signs include strange pop-ups, unexpected redirects, or a sudden drop in website performance. To tackle this, you can either manually remove infected files by isolating and cleaning them, updating your WordPress core, themes, and plugins, and changing passwords. Alternatively, you can use automatic methods like security plugins (Word-fence, Succour) or professional services for efficient and reliable malware removal.

 II. Identifying WordPress Malware:

To start removing malware from your WordPress site, the initial step is spotting its presence. Keep an eye out for red flags like weird pop-ups, unauthorised logins, unexpected redirects, or a sudden slowdown in your website's performance. If anything seems out of the ordinary, it could be a sign of malware. 

Another proactive measure is to routinely scan your website using security plugins. These tools are designed to search for and identify potential threats, providing an extra layer of defence. By staying vigilant and addressing any unusual activities promptly, you can take the first crucial steps towards safeguarding your WordPress site from malicious software. Regular scans and a keen eye for abnormal behaviour will help you catch and eliminate malware before it causes significant harm. 

 III. Manual Malware Removal Steps:

Manual Malware Removal Steps

1). Backup Your Website:

 The initial step in the process of removing malware from your WordPress website is often considered one of the most crucial: backing up your entire website. This preventive measure serves as a safety net, offering a way to revert to your site's previous state in case anything goes awry during the malware removal process. Let's delve into the significance of this step and why it should be an integral part of your website maintenance routine. 

  • Safeguard Against Unforeseen Issues: Malware removal, especially when performed manually, involves making changes to your website's code, file structure, and configurations. In the event of an error or unintended consequence, having a recent backup ensures you can quickly restore your website to its pre-incident condition. This minimizes downtime and potential data loss. 
  • Protect Your Valuable Content: Your website likely contains valuable content, such as articles, images, and user data. A comprehensive backup safeguards this content, providing a copy that can be easily reinstated. Without a backup, the process of recovering lost or corrupted data can be time-consuming and may result in irreversible content loss. 
  • Maintain Business Continuity: For websites with an e-commerce component or those serving as a primary platform for business activities, downtime can lead to financial losses and damage to your reputation. Regular backups help maintain business continuity by reducing the impact of any disruptions caused by malware attacks or accidental changes. 
  • Facilitate Seamless Recovery: In the unfortunate event of a successful malware attack, having a recent backup streamlines the recovery process. You can efficiently remove the malware and then restore your website to its clean state, minimizing the overall impact on your users and your online presence. 
  • Comprehensive Backup Strategy: It's not only essential to back up your website but also to have a comprehensive backup strategy. This includes backing up both your website's files and its database. Regularly scheduled backups, preferably stored in an offsite location or cloud service, provide an extra layer of security against server failures, hardware issues, or data center outages. 
  • Consider Automation: To ensure consistency and reliability, consider automating the backup process. Various plugins and hosting services offer automated backup solutions, allowing you to set up regular intervals for backups without manual intervention. This approach reduces the risk of human error and ensures that your backups are always up to date. 

 2). Isolate Infected Files:

When dealing with a WordPress malware infection, isolating infected files is a crucial step in the manual removal process. Malicious code tends to hide in various parts of your WordPress installation, with common targets being the wp-content directory, themes, and plugins. Here's a closer look at the process of isolating infected files: 

 Accessing Your Hosting Server: 

  •  FTP Access: Use an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client such as FileZilla to connect to your hosting server. You'll need your FTP credentials, which are usually provided by your hosting provider. Once connected, navigate to the root directory of your WordPress installation. 
  •  File Manager: Alternatively, you can use your hosting provider's file manager through the web hosting control panel. This option is suitable for users who prefer working within their hosting dashboard. Locate the file manager tool and access the root directory of your WordPress site. 

 Locating and Identifying Suspicious Files: 

  •  Navigate to wp-content: Inside your WordPress installation, locate the "wp-content" directory. This directory contains crucial files related to your site's themes, plugins, and uploads. 
  •  Themes: Access the "themes" directory within wp-content. Check each theme for any unfamiliar files or suspicious code. Malware often targets themes because they can be easily overlooked.
  •  Plugins: Similarly, navigate to the "plugins" directory. Examine each plugin folder for any signs of unauthorized access or suspicious files. Malicious code might be injected into plugin files to exploit vulnerabilities.


Quarantining Suspicious Files: 

  •  Create Backups: Before taking any action, create backups of the files you're about to modify. This ensures that you can restore your site if something goes wrong during the removal process. 
  •  Isolate Infected Files: Once you've identified suspicious files, move them to a separate, isolated location. This can be a backup folder or a designated quarantine directory. By isolating these files, you prevent them from executing and causing further harm to your site. 
  •  Review and Document: Take note of the files you've isolated and review them carefully. Document any changes you make, as this information will be useful if you need to communicate with your hosting provider or a security professional. 

 3). Remove Malicious Code:

When your WordPress site gets infected with malware, one of the critical steps in the removal process is to manually inspect and clean the infected files by removing or replacing malicious code. This task requires a careful examination of your site's files to identify and eliminate any suspicious or unauthorized code. Here's a more detailed exploration of this process: 

 a). Accessing Files: Use a secure FTP client or your hosting provider's file manager to access your website files. Commonly infected areas include the wp-content directory, themes, and plugins. Navigate through these folders to locate the affected files.

 b). Identifying Malicious Code: Malicious code often hides within legitimate files and may take various forms. Look out for: 

  •  Complex JavaScript: Malicious actors often hide their code using complex obfuscation techniques to make it challenging to understand. Inspect JavaScript files for unusual or convoluted code patterns.
  •  Base64-encoded Strings: Malware may encode its content using Base64 to obfuscate its true purpose. If you encounter lengthy strings of seemingly random characters, especially within PHP files, it's worth investigating further. 
  •  Unfamiliar PHP Functions: Malware might introduce unfamiliar PHP functions that serve malicious purposes. Review your PHP files, particularly those in the themes and plugins directories, for any functions you don't recognize. 

 c). Cleaning the Code: Once you've identified malicious code, you have two primary options: 

  •  Remove the Code: If the code is isolated and removing it won't disrupt the functionality of your website, you can delete the malicious sections manually. Be cautious not to remove any legitimate code that may be close to the malicious portions.
  •  Replace with Clean Code: In some cases, replacing the infected code with a clean version is a safer option. If you have a recent backup of your website, you can retrieve clean copies of the affected files. Alternatively, you may obtain clean code from the official source or your theme/plugin provider. 

d). Verify Changes: After removing or replacing the malicious code, it's crucial to verify your changes. Ensure that the affected files are saved properly and that the modifications don't introduce errors or disrupt the functionality of your website. Regularly check your site's frontend and backend to confirm that everything is functioning as expected. 

e). Repeat the Process: Malicious actors may infect multiple files, so it's essential to repeat this process for all potentially affected areas. Thoroughly review your theme files, plugin files, and any other directories where malware could reside.

 4. Update WordPress Core, Themes, and Plugins:

Updating the WordPress core, themes, and plugins is a crucial step in ensuring the security and stability of your website. Developers continually work to enhance their products, addressing vulnerabilities and strengthening overall security. Here's why keeping your WordPress software up to date is essential: 

  • Security Patches: Developers actively monitor their products for potential security vulnerabilities. When they identify and patch these issues, they release updates to address them. By regularly updating your WordPress core, themes, and plugins, you apply these security patches, reducing the risk of your site falling victim to known exploits. 
  • Bug Fixes: Software updates not only address security concerns but also include bug fixes that improve the overall performance and functionality of your website. Ignoring updates may lead to glitches, compatibility issues, or even website downtime, affecting the user experience. 
  • Compatibility with Latest Standards: The internet landscape is ever-evolving, with new standards and technologies emerging. WordPress updates often include adjustments to meet these evolving standards. By keeping your site's components up to date, you ensure compatibility with the latest web technologies and prevent potential issues with browsers and devices. 
  • Enhanced Features and Functionality: Updates may introduce new features, tools, or improvements to existing functionalities. By staying current with the latest versions, you not only benefit from enhanced security but also gain access to the latest tools and capabilities, contributing to a more robust and feature-rich website. 
  • WordPress Community Support: The WordPress community is vast, and a significant aspect of its strength lies in the collective effort to maintain a secure and efficient platform. Updating your WordPress installation demonstrates your commitment to this community-driven ecosystem. It also ensures that you receive ongoing support and assistance from the community, as they focus on the latest versions of the software. 
  • Automated Updates for Convenience: WordPress offers automated updates for minor releases by default. This feature ensures that your site is protected with the latest security fixes without manual intervention. However, for major updates, it's advisable to perform them manually to avoid any potential compatibility issues.

 5. Change Passwords and Credentials: 

 In the process of removing malware from your WordPress site, changing passwords and credentials is a critical step to enhance security and prevent unauthorized access. Let's delve deeper into why this step is essential and how to execute it effectively: 

Importance of Changing Passwords and Credentials: 

  • Limit Unauthorized Access: Changing passwords acts as a crucial barrier against unauthorized access. If your site has been compromised, the attackers may have gained access to your login credentials. By changing passwords, you immediately invalidate the compromised ones, limiting unauthorized entry. 
  • Protect Sensitive Information: WordPress sites often store sensitive information, including user data and administrative details. Changing passwords helps safeguard this information from falling into the wrong hands, reducing the risk of data breaches and identity theft. 
  • Prevent Further Exploitation: Malicious actors may exploit compromised passwords to execute additional attacks, such as injecting more malware or defacing your site. Changing passwords promptly helps cut off these avenues of exploitation.

How to Change Passwords and Credentials:

       a). WordPress Admin Password:

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard. 
  • Navigate to "Users" and select the user whose password you want to change. 
  • Click on "Edit" and scroll down to the "Account Management" section. 
  • Enter a new strong password and save the changes. 

       b).  FTP Password: 

  • Access your hosting control panel or use an FTP client.
  • Navigate to the FTP account settings. 
  • Locate the password field and update it with a strong, unique password. 
  • Save the changes. 

        c). Database Password: 

  • Access your hosting control panel and locate the database management section. 
  • Find the database user associated with your WordPress site. 
  • Change the password for that user.
  • Update the wp-config.php file in your WordPress root directory with the new database password.

Best Practices for Strong Passwords: 

         a).  Use a Combination of Characters: 

  • Include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters in your passwords. 

        b).  Avoid Common Words and Phrases: 

  • Steer clear of easily guessable passwords, such as "password123" or common phrases. 

        c).  Regularly Update Passwords: 

  • Change your passwords periodically to maintain security. 

        d).  Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

  • Enable 2FA for an additional layer of security, requiring a second form of verification. 

IV. Automatic Malware Removal: 

Automatic Malware Removal Steps

 1. Use WordPress Security Plugins: 

One of the most effective and user-friendly ways to secure your WordPress site against malware is by employing reputable security plugins. Plugins like Wordfence, Sucuri, and MalCare are widely recognized for their robust features in automated malware scanning, detection, and removal. Let's delve deeper into the benefits of using these plugins and how you can leverage their capabilities to enhance your site's security: 

a). Wordfence: 

  • Real-time Threat Defense: Wordfence offers real-time threat defense by actively blocking malicious traffic, preventing potential security breaches.
  • Malware Scanning and Removal: The plugin conducts regular malware scans on your WordPress site, identifying and removing threats promptly.
  • Firewall Protection: Wordfence includes a firewall that acts as an additional layer of security, filtering out malicious traffic and protecting your site from various cyber threats. 

 b). Sucuri:

  • Website Integrity Monitoring: Sucuri continuously monitors the integrity of your website, promptly identifying any changes to files or unexpected alterations that may indicate a malware infection. 
  • Global Website Security Network: Sucuri operates a global security network, providing your site with real-time updates and protection against emerging threats. 
  • Malware Cleanup Service: In addition to proactive measures, Sucuri offers a malware cleanup service, helping you restore your site quickly in the event of an infection. 

 c). MalCare:

  • One-Click Malware Removal: MalCare simplifies the malware removal process with a one-click removal feature, making it easy for users, even those with limited technical expertise, to clean their sites efficiently.
  • Scalable Security: MalCare adapts its security measures based on the size and complexity of your website, providing scalable protection that meets the unique needs of your WordPress site.
  • Regular Automatic Scans: The plugin performs automatic scans at regular intervals, ensuring that your site is consistently monitored for potential threats. 

 How to Leverage WordPress Security Plugins:

 a). Installation and Activation: 

  • Navigate to your WordPress dashboard. 
  • Go to the "Plugins" section and click "Add New."
  • Search for the desired security plugin (e.g., Wordfence, Sucuri, MalCare).
  •  Install and activate the chosen plugin. 

b). Configuration: 

  •  Follow the plugin's setup wizard or configuration guide. 
  •  Customize settings according to your site's requirements, such as scan frequency, firewall rules, and notification preferences. 

 c). Regular Monitoring:

  •  Schedule regular scans to ensure ongoing monitoring of your site. 
  •  Pay attention to any alerts or notifications provided by the plugin regarding potential security issues. Response to Threats: - If the plugin identifies malware, follow the provided instructions to initiate the removal process. - Review scan reports and take recommended actions to strengthen your site's security. 

 2. Professional Malware Removal Services: 

While manual removal methods and security plugins can be effective for many WordPress users, there are scenarios where seeking professional malware removal services becomes a important choice. Here's a closer look at why and how professional assistance can be beneficial: 

  • Expertise and Experience: Professional malware removal services are staffed by cybersecurity experts with extensive knowledge of WordPress vulnerabilities and malware types. They understand the intricacies of malware infections and can quickly identify and eliminate threats that might be challenging for a non-specialist to detect.
  •  Comprehensive Site Analysis: Cybersecurity professionals conduct thorough analyses of your WordPress site to identify the root cause and extent of the malware infection. This in-depth investigation ensures that all traces of the malware are removed, reducing the risk of a recurring infection. 
  •  Customized Solutions: Each malware infection can be unique, requiring a tailored approach for effective removal. Professional services offer customized solutions based on the specific characteristics of the malware affecting your site. This personalized approach increases the likelihood of a successful and complete cleanup. 
  •  Preventive Measures: Beyond mere removal, professional services often provide recommendations and implement preventive measures to secure your WordPress site against future malware attacks. This may include enhancing your website's security protocols, implementing firewalls, and ensuring that all software components are kept up to date. 
  •  Time and Resource Efficiency: Hiring professionals for malware removal can save you valuable time and resources. Cybersecurity firms are equipped with specialized tools and resources that enable them to handle the cleanup process efficiently. This is particularly beneficial for website owners who may not have the technical expertise or time to tackle the issue themselves.
  •  Continuous Monitoring and Support: Some professional services offer ongoing monitoring and support to ensure that your site remains secure after the malware removal. This proactive approach helps identify and address potential security issues before they escalate, providing peace of mind for website owners. 
  •  Legal Compliance: Malware infections can sometimes lead to legal implications, especially if sensitive user data is compromised. Professional malware removal services can assist in ensuring that your site complies with relevant data protection and privacy regulations, helping you avoid legal complications. 
  •  Emergency Response: In cases of severe malware infections or if your website has been blacklisted by search engines, professional services can provide an emergency response. They have the expertise to expedite the cleanup process and work towards getting your site back in good standing. 

WordPress malware can pose a severe threat to your website's integrity and reputation. Regularly monitoring your site, implementing security best practices, and knowing how to remove malware manually or through automated tools are essential steps in maintaining a secure WordPress environment. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can protect your WordPress site from potential threats and keep it running smoothly.


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