how to do seo keyword research
Publish By : Sourabh / Date :08-11-2023 / Reading Time : 9 mint / Tags : seo url

How to do Keyword Research for SEO

Even with all the changes Google makes to how it ranks websites, one thing that has stayed the same for people trying to get their websites seen in searches is the need to pick the right words to target. That's what we call keyword research. ​

Keyword research is like finding the special words that help your website get noticed on the internet. It's important because it's like using the right key to open a door. It helps people find what they're looking for when they search online. It's like a little trick to make your website easier to find.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is like figuring out the words people use when they search for things online. It helps websites know what topics to write about so that when people search for those topics, they can find the website. It's like making sure you're using the right words to get noticed on the internet. Imagine you have a favorite toy and you want to find it in a big toy store. You'd ask the store worker for help by describing your toy. Keyword research is like figuring out the best words to use so that people can find what they're looking for on the internet. It's like making a map with all the right words to lead them to the right place.

And just like in a big store, you might need to update your map from time to time to make sure it still helps people find what they need. So, once you have your special map of words, you can use them to write stories, share information, or talk about things that people are interested in. This way, when they use those same words to look for something online, they can easily find what you've written. It's like speaking the same language so everyone can understand and find what they're looking for. And remember, sometimes you might need to add new words to your map or change things a bit to keep helping people find what they want on the internet.

Why is it important?

Keyword research is like finding the right words to talk to your friends. It helps your website or business speak the same language as people who are searching online. This way, they can easily find what you have to offer. It's like putting up a sign that says, "This is what you're looking for." It's really important because it helps you get noticed and makes sure you're talking about things that people are interested in. In the context of local SEO , keyword research is crucial for ensuring that your business appears in local searches, guiding potential customers in your area right to your door. Once people find their way to your "door," they can explore what you have to offer. This could be information, products, or services that they're interested in. It's like opening your shop and inviting them in to see what's inside.

Just like in a big store, you might need to update your sign or add new words to it from time to time. This helps you stay relevant and make sure people can always find what they're looking for when they search online. So, keyword research is like having a friendly guide that helps you speak the same language as your online visitors.

Key points of keyword research:-

  • Keyword research helps you find the right words to use when you're talking online.
  • It's like putting up a sign that says, "This is what you're looking for".
  • It's really important because it helps you get noticed and talk about things people care about.
  • It's like having a special map that leads people right to your website.
  • You might need to update your sign or map from time to time to stay relevant.

benefits of optimized keywords

Main Elements of Keyword Research

1. Keyword Generation:

Think of this like making a list of words and phrases that people might type into a search engine when looking for something online. It's like brainstorming what to say.

2. Keyword Volume:

This is about figuring out which words on your list are used most often by people. It's like knowing which words are the most popular in conversations.

3. Keyword Relevance:

This means making sure the words on your list really match what your website is about. It's like making sure your words and your website go together like a puzzle.

4. Keyword Competition:

Imagine there are other websites trying to talk about the same things. This is like knowing how many others are in the same conversation. It helps you understand if it's a busy conversation or not.

5. Long-Tail Keywords:

These are longer, more specific word combinations. They may not be used as much, but they can be really helpful in finding exactly what someone is looking for.

6. User Intent:

This is about understanding why someone is searching. Are they looking for information, or are they ready to buy something? It helps you give them what they need.

7. Seasonality and Trends:

Think of this like knowing what's popular right now. Just like certain toys are popular at different times, certain topics might be more talked about in different seasons.

8. Geo-Targeting:

If your business is local, this means using words that tell people where you are. It's like saying, "We're right here, come visit us.

9. Negative Keywords:

These are words you don't want to use because they don't match what your website is about. It's like keeping out things that don't belong in your special club.

10. Keyword Tracking and Analysis:

After you use your words, it's important to see how well they work. It's like checking to see if your sign is pointing the right way. If not, you might need to adjust it.

How to research keyword for SEO strategy

1. Know Your Audience:

Understand who you want to visit your website. Think about what they might type into a search.

2. Start with Simple Words:

Think of basic words related to your website or business. These are like the first blocks you use to build something.

3. Use Tools for More Ideas:

Use special tools to get more word ideas. They also tell you how often people look for those words.

4. See What Your Competitors Do:

Check what words other websites like yours are using. It can give you good ideas.

5. Think of Longer Phrases:

Imagine what someone might type with more words. These phrases may not be used as much, but they can bring in interested visitors.

6. Look at the Numbers:

Pay attention to how often people search for a word and how many others use it. This helps you pick the right words.

7. Consider What People Want:

Think about if people are looking for info, things to buy, or something else. This helps you choose the right words.

8. If You're Local, Say It:

If your business is in a certain place, mention it in your words. This helps local people find you.

9. Don't Repeat Words Too Much:

It's not good to use the same word too many times. Use different words that fit naturally.

How to find best keywords for SEO

To find the best keywords for Organic SEO, think about what words people might use to search for things like yours. Make a list of these words. Use tools to help you find more ideas and see which words are popular. Look at what other people are implementing in their website. If your business is in a specific place, mention that place. Don't use the same word too many times. Choose words that really match what you're talking about. Use different words that mean the same thing. Pay attention to what's popular right now. Make good stuff with your chosen words. Keep an eye on how well they're doing and change them if you need to. Remember, keep learning about what people like and how they look for it.

After you have your list of words, use them to talk about what you offer online. It's like telling people where to find things in a store. If the keywords aren't working well, you can change them to do better. Keep paying attention to what people like and how they look for it. This way, you'll keep using the right words to get noticed online.

how to find best keywords for seo

Additional tips for effective keyword research

1. Ask Google for Ideas:

When you start typing a question or topic into Google, it often suggests other related things people search for. These suggestions can give you good ideas for keywords.

2. Look at the Bottom of Google:

After you search for something on Google, scroll down to the bottom of the page. There, you'll find more suggestions related to what you searched for. These can be really helpful.

3. Think of Questions People Might Ask:

Imagine what questions someone might have about what you're talking about. For example, if you're talking about cooking, a question could be "How do I bake a cake?" These questions can be great keywords.

4. Check Your Website's Numbers:

If you have a website, there are tools like Google Analytics that show you which words people use to find your site. Paying attention to these can help you know which keywords are already working for you.

5. Watch What's Popular Right Now:

Google Trends is a tool that shows you what topics are really popular at the moment. This can help you choose keywords that are relevant and timely.

6. Learn the Special Words of Your Industry:

Every field or industry has its own special words and phrases. If you're in the world of cooking, for example, people might use words like "sauté" or "whisk." Knowing these words helps you connect with the right audience.

7. Use Different Words for the Same Thing:

Sometimes, there are many ways to say the same thing. For instance, instead of just saying "recipe," you might also use "cooking method" or "food preparation." Using different words helps you reach a broader audience.

8. Consider What People Are Looking For:

Certain words like "best," "how to," "reviews," and "buy" give you clues about what people want. If it makes sense, include these words in your keywords.

9. Use Filters if You're Using a Tool:

If you're using a special tool for keyword research, it might have options to help you find the best keywords. These filters can be really handy in narrowing down your choices.

10. Don't Repeat the Same Words Too Much:

If you use the same word over and over, it can sound unnatural. Make sure different parts of your website use a variety of words to keep things interesting for your visitors.


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