Crawled but currently not Indexed in Search Console
Publish By : Sourabh / Date :24-05-2024 / Reading Time : 4 mint / Tags : Google Search Console

Understanding 'Crawled – Currently Not Indexed ' in Search Console

If you've been delving into the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and using Google Search Console (GSC), you might have encountered the status "Crawled - currently not indexed" for some of your website's URLs. This can be a confusing message, so let's break down what it means and how to address it.

What Does "Crawled - currently not indexed" Mean?

Simply put, this status indicates that Google's bots (known as web crawlers) have visited your webpage and scanned its content. However, Google has decided not to include that page in its search index yet. This means your webpage won't appear in search results, even if someone searches for keywords directly related to your content.

Firstly, let's understand how search engines work. They have three main steps: crawling, indexing, and ranking.

  • Crawling: Bots called crawlers find new pages by following links on the web.
  • Indexing: After finding pages, search engines store and analyze their content.
  • Ranking: When users search, relevant pages are retrieved and ranked based on various factors.

If you see "Crawled – Currently Not Indexed ," your content isn't moving past the indexing stage, likely due to unknown reasons, and isn't appearing in search results.

Why Doesn't Google Index Every Crawled Page?

There are several reasons why Google might not index a particular webpage. Here are some common culprits:

  • Content Quality: Google prioritizes high-quality, informative content that provides value to users. If your webpage has thin content, duplicate content from other websites, or lacks relevance to user search intent, Google might choose not to index it.
  • Technical Issues: Crawling and indexing can be hindered by technical problems on your website. These can include slow loading times, broken links, mobile-friendliness issues, or robots.txt blocking important files.
  • Crawl Budget: Google allocates a specific crawl budget for each website, which determines how many pages it will crawl within a given timeframe. If your website has a large number of low-value pages, Google might spend its crawl budget on those before reaching your more important content. 

How to Fix "Crawled - currently not Indexed" Issues

Here are some steps you can take to improve your chances of getting those "crawled but not indexed" pages included in Google's search index:

  • Enhance Content Quality: Focus on creating informative, well-written content that addresses user needs and search intent. Provide unique value and avoid replicating content already available elsewhere. 
  • Address Technical Issues: Use GSC to identify and fix technical errors on your website. Ensure fast loading speeds, fix broken links, and make sure your website is mobile-friendly
  • Optimize Internal Linking:  Create a strong internal linking structure that helps Google understand the importance of each page and how they relate to each other. This can guide crawlers to discover and index important content.
  • Utilize the Robots.txt File: While robots.txt can be used to prevent specific pages from being crawled, ensure it's not accidentally blocking valuable content.
  • Submit a Sitemap: A sitemap provides Google with a clear overview of all your website's pages, making it easier for them to be discovered and indexed. Submit an updated sitemap through GSC.
  • Request Indexing (Optional): GSC's URL Inspection tool allows you to request re-indexing of specific pages. However, use this judiciously, as Google might prioritize indexing naturally over manual requests.

Remember: It's important to understand that seeing some "crawled but not indexed" pages is normal, especially for large websites. Focus on improving your overall website health and content quality, and Google will naturally index more of your valuable pages over time.

Additional Tips:

  • Monitor GSC Regularly: Keep an eye on your GSC reports to track the indexing status of your pages and identify any recurring issues.
  • Prioritize Important Pages: Focus on getting the most important and valuable pages on your website indexed first.
  • Stay Updated on Google's Guidelines: Google's algorithms and indexing practices are constantly evolving. Stay informed about the latest SEO best practices to maintain a healthy website for search engines.

By understanding the reasons behind "Crawled – Currently Not Indexed " and taking the necessary steps to improve your website's quality and crawlability, you can ensure your valuable content reaches the right audience and achieves better search visibility.


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